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Home Business Series


The Complete Series

Save on individual titles when you buy the entire How to Make Money on eBay series today!

Are you looking to start your own business? Perhaps even your own home-based business? With eBay you can start your business with practically $0 down and with little to no risk!

This entire "How to Make Money on eBay" series will guide you right from the start -
From setting up your selling accounts to packing & shipping to customer service and beyond, I will guide you through it all.
When you're ready to take your business to the next step, "Maximize Profits" will teach you how to lower your risk by taking advantage of retail arbitrage.

Finally, "International Sales" takes selling to the final level - taking advantage of international retail arbitrage. This book covers the risks and rewards, as well as what you can expect when shipping to specific countries like Canada, the UK, Australia and even Brazil.

More Books From The Home Business Series
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